Janine Rod

About Janine Rod

As a psychologist and hypnotherapist I hope to create the highest quality of care for you in a supportive and nurturing environment. I work psycho dynamically which means that you and I will look at how your conscious and unconscious minds interact and influence your thoughts, behaviours and attitudes. I am not rigid in the kind of therapy I use with you; each person is an individual and I tailor your sessions to suit your specific needs. My therapy tends to be more varied than others, and I incorporate techniques from a variety of evidence -based sources, rather than relying on a single system of intervention. I offer you a safe, supportive environment in which you can communicate, gain insight, and develop new skills. I listen to what you say, what you feel and what you need in order to help you to clarify your inner conflicts, confront the barriers to your success and well-being, and reach your goals.

Emotions Emotions

Many of us grew up with the message that emotions are not always safe to express, emotions can be inconvenient, or even shameful. We learned to square our shoulders, push through them, and "get on with it." We might even turn to food, distractions, or addictions to numb the feelings we were taught to ignore. [...]

By |2024-07-11T13:29:08+10:00July 11th, 2024|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on Emotions Emotions

The Marvel of the Human Brain

As a psychologist, I’ve always been fascinated by the extraordinary capabilities of the human brain. This intricate organ, marvel of evolution, is the seat of our cognition, creativity and consciousness. It orchestrates everything from our simplest actions to our most profound thoughts and emotions. Yet, despite its brilliance, our brain is also a repository of [...]

By |2024-06-10T17:46:32+10:00June 8th, 2024|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on The Marvel of the Human Brain

Nurturing Your Inner Compass: Embracing Inner Perception and Body Wisdom

Today, while writing this blog, I decided to take a different perspective and take you on a journey inward, into the depths of you own being, where the whispers of your intuition and the wisdom of your body reside. We’ll delve into the beautiful play between inner perception and external observation, and why listening to [...]

By |2024-05-09T07:45:59+10:00May 9th, 2024|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on Nurturing Your Inner Compass: Embracing Inner Perception and Body Wisdom

Compassion In The Face Of Fear And Vulnerability

In the aftermath of the events that unfolded in Sydney this past week, extending compassion towards ourselves becomes a crucial aspect of navigating the complex web of emotions that ensue. Each emotion, whether it’s anxiety, vulnerability, fear of anger, deserves acknowledgment and tenderness. By showing compassion towards ourselves and honouring our feelings, we pave the [...]

By |2024-04-18T20:45:06+10:00April 18th, 2024|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on Compassion In The Face Of Fear And Vulnerability

Why Do I Always Self-Sabotage? I Just Don’t Get It

“Most of us have two lives. The life we live, and the unlived life within us. Between the two stands resistance." Self-sabotage is a perplexing phenomenon that many of us experience at some point in our lives. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we engage in behaviours that undermine our own success, happiness, or well-being. From avoiding [...]

By |2024-03-22T13:08:43+11:00March 20th, 2024|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on Why Do I Always Self-Sabotage? I Just Don’t Get It

The Language of Our Nervous System

In the journey of self-discovery, it’s crucial to recognize that the behaviours that seem to hold you back and keep you stuck today were once your protectors. They served a purpose in shielding you from stressful and frightening events, ensuring your safety in those moments and were age appropriate. However, as you navigate through life [...]

By |2024-02-09T15:50:44+11:00February 7th, 2024|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on The Language of Our Nervous System

The Profound Influence Of Your Unconscious Mind On Your Thoughts, Body And Behaviours

Have you ever stopped to consider the intricate interplay between your conscious thoughts, your unconscious mind, your body and your behaviours? As a psychologist, I’ve had the privilege of witnessing how our unconscious processes significantly shape our beliefs and our thoughts, ultimately impacting our overall well-being. Let’s explore this deeper: The Subtle Power Of The [...]

By |2023-10-05T16:39:49+11:00October 4th, 2023|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on The Profound Influence Of Your Unconscious Mind On Your Thoughts, Body And Behaviours

Give Yourself Permission To Go As Fast As The Part Of You Needs To Go

Today, I want to dive into a topic that many of us struggle with: the art of giving ourselves permission to move at a pace that aligns with our innermost needs. It’s a journey towards letting go of judgement and the pressure we often place upon ourselves. Life is not a race, but a beautiful [...]

By |2023-08-29T20:30:31+10:00August 29th, 2023|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on Give Yourself Permission To Go As Fast As The Part Of You Needs To Go

Our Inner Stories

From very early on in our childhood, sometimes even proverbially, we learn narratives or stories that we hold onto into our adulthood. Sometimes these narratives are helpful, but other times they form part of our core beliefs, and these core beliefs hinder us from reaching our true potential. These beliefs, our stories, shape our lives [...]

By |2023-04-04T21:49:15+10:00April 4th, 2023|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on Our Inner Stories
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