Self Compassion.

Compassion In The Face Of Fear And Vulnerability

In the aftermath of the events that unfolded in Sydney this past week, extending compassion towards ourselves becomes a crucial aspect of navigating the complex web of emotions that ensue. Each emotion, whether it’s anxiety, vulnerability, fear of anger, deserves acknowledgment and tenderness. By showing compassion towards ourselves and honouring our feelings, we pave the [...]

By |2024-04-18T20:45:06+10:00April 18th, 2024|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on Compassion In The Face Of Fear And Vulnerability

Mindfulness, Empathy and Self Compassion

Mindfulness, Empathy and Self Compassion... We hear these words all the time. They form part of our language. In the workplace they get the tick of approval, and social media throws them out wherever possible. In light of both world-wide and Australia-wide events that have occurred since late 2019 and the beginning of this year, [...]

By |2020-07-04T16:42:59+10:00July 3rd, 2020|Articles, news and updates|Comments Off on Mindfulness, Empathy and Self Compassion
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