Yesterday I received another desperate call from a lady looking for an appointment with a psychologist.  She had been to see her GP last year for a referral.  She called several psychologists and left her name on waiting lists.  Only one has called her back.  This is not the first time I have heard this.  It is common knowledge that psychologists are reporting waiting times for new patients of between 2 to 6 months, and some psychologists have even closed their books.

According to The Australian Psychological Society chief executive Zena Burgess, the mental healthcare system is under extreme pressure and that the mental health impact of the pandemic is at a very high level.

Given the gravity of the situation and understanding that people want immediate help when they are in pain, then looking for a modality that can provide support, and immediate intervention is ideal.

If you have toothache, and you go to the dentist, you don’t want to hear them say to you that you will need at least 6 visits in order for them to provide you strategies to manage your pain.  No.  You want them to resolve the cause of your pain.

If you are feeling anxious, why do you need to find strategies to manage your anxiety? Why do you need to live with anxiety? Why put a band-aid over the anxiety by taking a medication or learning how to manage it? Talking about it week in and week out, finding different strategies to manage it is hard work, expensive, time consuming.

If you understand the root cause of your anxiety, your depression, your fear, your phobia – if you understand you were not born with your anxiety, your fear, your phobia, your habit –  that you learnt it/acquired along the way, in early childhood, then you understand that you can unlearn it.

You can unlearn it by giving yourself more age-appropriate suggestions. Using the power of your unconscious mind, you can explore how, when and why you developed this anxiety, depression, fear, phobia, habit.

Through careful and powerful exploration, you can understand and reframe the meanings and beliefs around these conditions, you can see how they were age appropriate then, but how they have hurt you and hold you back now.

We can tap into the unconscious mind through hypnotherapy. Through the power of the unconscious mind, you can reframe self-limiting beliefs, old pains and hurts and rewire in new, empowering, resourceful feelings and behaviours immediately.  This translates into different actions and outcomes, feelings, and experiences. All in the space of a much shorter period than traditional therapy.

One form of hypnotherapy is Rapid Transformational Therapy. You can read more about it on my website.

This kind of hypnotherapy is not a shortcut therapy.  The only shortcut is the length of time it takes to get relief, understand the root cause of a symptom so that you are not continuously putting on a band-aid and learning to live with it.

If you’re open to it, RTT can provide some people with quicker solutions than traditional therapy.

Give me a call or send me a message, so we can discuss if RTT might work for you.

Keep in mind that in Australia, support is always available at Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 and  Lifeline on 13 11 14.